

My name is Kat Coutu and I am a Certified Personal Trainer through The American Council on Exercise, better known as ACE.

A little bit about me: I have been active my entire life – from competitive sports, to equestrian, and everything in between. I have spent over 10 years learning about what it takes to live a balanced healthy lifestyle. Discovering all the best tricks of the fitness industry, and how to maximize fat loss. I know first-hand how hard it is to be healthy and active while also enjoying life. After suffering from BED (binge eating disorder) for 4 years, I decided to make a change and create a lifestyle where I am happy, confident and the best part; I never feel like I am denying myself anything. Now it's my turn to help you too!

I have packages for everyone out there. From beginners wanting to learn to weight train (resistance training) to people who have a current routine, but need that extra push for motivation, including nutritional guidance if needed. If you are looking to overhaul your life, simply tone up or even put on muscle then I am the personal trainer for you. Why not team up with a friend or partner for additional motivation and support to get even a better value.

I am located in the downtown Toronto area; however, I will come to your condo/apartment gym for even more convenience.

Contact me today and get in your best shape ever for a better tomorrow!

Much love,
